Liberal Arts Option - Psychology Why is General Psychology the most popular undergraduate course? The study of psychology provides an understanding about WHY we think, feel and behave the way we do. In addition, the science of psychology provides a research and theoretical foundation that intersects with all disciplines in the liberal arts. This Option gives students the opportunity to examine the broad scope of psychology as an academic discipline, science, and profession. Course work stimulates critical thinking about the human mind and behavior from multiple lenses including child and adult psychology, the psychology of women, culture, race and ethnicity, aging and group dynamics. It also provides the communications and critical thinking skills needed for success in this field. By engaging students in a dynamic understanding of psychology, the Psychology Option provides increased awareness and preparation for service to the community and related careers. The Option also prepares students for transfer to a 4-year college to complete a B.A. in Psychology, as well as to pursue careers in allied health, business, criminal justice, education, human services, mental health services, social work, theater arts, and more. This Option also serves as a gateway for those interested in seeking advanced studies leading to a career as a Psychologist, whether in the specializations of clinical, sports, forensics, developmental and/or organizational psychology. Students can also seek a career as a licensed mental health counselor or counselor in some of the following human service fields: substance abuse, marriage and family, school and career. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Psychology Option requires 12 credits. Both courses in Group One are required. PSY 101 must be taken first. (May be taken as part of the Flexible Core) After the required courses have been completed, students may take any two to three of the courses listed in Group Two. Group One Sequence of Required Classes (3-6 credits): PSY 101 – General Psychology (If not previously taken) PSY 142 – Abnormal Psychology Group Two Select two to three courses from the list below (6-9 credits): PSY 110 – Life-Span Development of Behavior PSY 115 – Educational Psychology PSY 120 – Developmental Psychology I – Childhood PSY 121 – Developmental Psychology II – Adolescence and Adulthood PSY 140 – Psychology of Women PSY 144 – Personality PSY 146 – Small Group Dynamics PSY 150 – Research Methods PSY 170 – Cultural Psychology PSY 180 – Psychology of Ageing PSY 182 – Social Psychology SOC 140 – Race and Ethnicity