Title V grant will expand the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model to ensure all students in Gateway math and English courses have equitable access to this high-impact practice, and to support student success in all majors, including those in high-demand STEM and STEM-adjacent fields. The activity will include 20 additional SI-assisted course sections in ENG110 and MAT150SI to further improve completion rates.
Supplemental Instruction Professional Development Event 2024
With the support of our Title V grant, on January 21 and 22, 2024, the Office of Academic Affairs hosted a two-day professional development event for English and Math faculty and Supplemental Instruction tutors led by the National Center of Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Nearly 50 faculty and tutors participated in workshops promoting student engagement, effective SI strategies, and assessment strategies. SI is a well-recognized contributor to significant improvements in student retention and graduation. Expanding SI in English and Math is critical to our Title V initiative. It will continue to be implemented under the leadership of Prof. Tram Nguyen in the English Department, Prof. Gisselle Guzmán in the Math Department, and Dr. Silvia Reyes.

Title V supported the PD event for English & Math faculty and SI tutors

SI Tutors

English & Math faculty at the Professional Development

SI Professional Development

SI tutors at the Professional Development