The Information Technology and Educational Technology Departments are committed to ensuring we can continue to provide the highest levels of service and support for the academic and administrative use of technology during any crisis or extended operational change at the campus.
Included in this support are technologies that embrace a wide variety of campus services, including, but not limited to:
- Academic technologies such as Blackboard/Collaborate, ePortfolio, lecture capture (Panopto), distance education workshops
- Operational technologies such as e-mail, communication tools, collaboration platforms, remote access, computer applications, tech training, lab and classroom technologies. Limited assistance is available for personal mobile devices such as laptops and cell phones. These are handled on a “best effort” basis
We are ready to assist you with any questions or problems you may have regarding technology use at Hostos Community College. If you need technology help, please contact us!
If you call after business hours, please leave a message and we will contact you the next business day.
How will my technology support needs be addressed?
- All Service Desk requests will be assigned a Work Order Ticket and placed on a work order queue, in the order in which they are received
- Once a Work Order Ticket is assigned, the user who initiated the request will be contacted by email or a phone call
- The technician will attempt to resolve the problem in a timely manner
- For tickets that require more in-depth services, the Work Order will be escalated to a specialized tier of support personnel, who will then work with the requestor to resolve the problem
- Service Desk will assign a “Work Order Closed” status, once a resolution to the problem has been implemented
- The requestor will receive an email indicating the “Work Order Closed” status shortly after it issued
What if I need help after operating hours?
If you experience problems with a technology service after hours, please email the department best aligned with the assistance you seek. If you leave a voice mail, please note the following.
- A voice mail message can be left at any hour
- A response to the voice mail can be expected with 2 business days
- A work order, based on the voice mail, will be created and placed on a queue in the order it was received
- If you are sending requests via email, or leaving a voicemail, please leave ALL of the following information:
- Your Full Name
- Your Email Address
- Your Location: Building and Room Number or Off-campus
- A brief description of the problem
- A phone number at which you can be reached
- Your availability to be contacted
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